Welcome to Mindful Movement & Mindfulness with Audrajean
Based in Arley Warwickshire I have a bespoke teaching space for exclusive small groups
A passion for movement, mindfullness & meditation. Learning more everyday!
I offer workshops, special events & retreats
Why choose mindfulness meditation?
Pilates is a full-body workout which concentrates on strengthening deep skeletal muscles with a particular focus on core stability.
Pilates will improve your posture, strength, flexibility, balance and body awareness. Movement is controlled, centred, and precise, with flow and lateral breathing.
This low-impact form of exercise also encourages mindfulness as you move with precision and your breath.
Pilates will aid in the reduction or elimination of postural aches and pains, most significantly back pain. Fresh oxygenated blood is delivered to every part of your body as you move with awareness and control.
In Pilates, the chance of injury is much lower than with other forms of exercise. Top athletes use Pilates as a conditioning programme as it creates balance in the body and increases the mind-body connection. Creating balance in your muscles also helps to reduce future injuries and keeps you fit to enjoy other sports and activities for longer.
Guiding you through Mindful Movement & Mindfulness
I have a level 3 Diploma in Mat Pilates which covers the 34 original Joseph Pilates exercises, anatomy and physiology. The key to progressing in Pilates is to adapt these advanced exercises to suit the individual and my classes work towards achieving the full range of exercises. I combine variations and adaptations according to your ability to help you to progress safely. Additional mobility and stretching exercises will work the whole body in a balanced and methodical way. The key is to create QUALITY movement patterns, inner strength, flexibility and freedom of movement.
Modern life causes many of us to suffer from niggling aches and pains and these are mainly due to poor posture, weak muscles or repetitive movement strains.
My aim when teaching is to:
Increase mobility in the joints, generating free and smooth movement
Increase the strength of deep muscles which support the global muscles
Focus on good alignment with quality movement patterns to help reduce imbalances in the body
Develop mindful movement with precision and control
Calm the mind as we connect with our breathing
I encourage you to work at your own pace, listen to your body and not worry about the person next to you, we are all different.

Trigger Ball Massage, Stretch & Meditation workshops
In this 2.15hr workshop we will begin by taking a moment to ground ourselves and arrive in the present moment. The session will then unfold in three sections. Trigger ball massage. Full body stretch to relax and release tight muscles further. Restorative meditation to deeply relax body and mind.
Also known as self-myofascial release. Trigger point therapy and acupressure helps to release tight knots, also know as adhesions in the muscles. Increased blood flow gives relief to tension and pain creating better mobility in your joints.
The term myofascial refers to the muscles and fascia that surrounds them. The prefix myo- simply means muscle. Therefore, self-myofascial release is a massage technique of applying continued pressure to an area of myofascial tissue that contains restrictions, tightness, inflexibility, adhesions or lacks proper movement.
These layers of fascia can get tears in them when muscles are overused or experience injury.
If tears are left untreated, the layers of fascia can adhere together in spots (called adhesions) which cause pain and discomfort.
When we use self-myofascial release, pressure is put on these adhesions and then released. This allows us to get back to optimal physical performance. Adding the full body stretch session and meditation allows you time to rebalance body and mind. Relax, release, let go and breathe.
Next dates:
Sunday 9th March 2025 - 10.00am to 12.12pm
Wednesday 26th March - 7.00pm to 9.15pm

Private Classes
Private one to one or one to two classes available by arrangement.
Discount for six week block bookings.
Contact me for more details

Useful Information
Please remember to bring to class:
Floor exercise mat
I carry a few spare mats but it is always nicer and more hygienic to have your own
Small towel or blanket
A towel is useful to place your head in correct alignment.Under your back, knees or where required
Water regulates your body temperature and lubricates your joints, it helps transport nutrients to your muscles which gives you energy and keeps you healthy. If you are dehydrated your body can't function at its highest level. You may feel tired, have headaches, muscle cramps, dizziness, or other symptoms
What to wear:
Women may want to wear a support bra for comfort. Wear layers if you feel the cold as you can then remove them as you get warm.
Wear comfortable clothes you can move in.
No need for designer outfits, old leggings and t-shirts are perfect.
Bare feet or Pilates socks with a griped sole are best on your feet.