My Aim in Teaching Pilates
I have a level 3 Diploma in Mat Pilates which covers the 34 original Joesph Pilates exercises, anatomy and physiology. The key to progressing in Pilates is to adapt these advanced exercises to suit the individual and my classes work towards achieving the full range of exercises. I combine variations and adaptations according to ability to help you to progress safely. Additional mobility and stretching exercises will work the whole body in a balanced and methodical way. The key is to create QUALITY movement patterns, inner strength, flexibility and freedom of movement.
Modern life causes many of us to suffer from niggling aches and pains and these are mainly due to poor posture, weak muscles or repetitive movement strains.
My aim when teaching is to:
Increase mobility in the joints, generating free and smooth movement
Increase the strength of deep muscles which support the global muscles
Focus on good alignment with quality movement patterns to help reduce imbalances in the body
Develop mindful movement with precision and control
Calm the mind as we connect with our breathing
I encourage you to work at your own pace, listen to your body and not to worry about the person next to you, we are all different.
Terms & Conditions
I aim to start all classes on time so out of consideration for other class members, please arrive five minutes before your class is due to start. The warm-up is an important aspect of each class and essential for your own safety.
For hygiene reasons it is recommended that you provide your own exercise mat and towel for class.
Unless otherwise stated group classes are not suitable for injury rehabilitation. Classes are safe, and recommended for anyone with postural aches and pains including back ache. I am not a qualified physiotherapist although many exercises I teach are used by physios. I will always encourage you to listen to your body and work within your physical parameters.
Please check with your medical practitioner
if in any doubt before attending a class
I offer one to one and one to two sessions and these may be more suitable for your specific requirements. Staring with an individual class is a safe way to establish your level of fitness and then transfer to an open class when you feel ready to do so.
A simple health form must be completed on your first class. This will also provide me with your contact details, should a class be cancelled for any reason I will be able to let you know. Please note It is extremely unlikely classes will ever be cancelled. Please remember to update me if either your contact or medical details change.
Places on workshops and 6-week blocks cannot be reserved until payment is received. I offer a waiting list for places on cabin classes where there are only 6 places available per class. Before the 6-week block ends you will be invited to re-enrol for the following block, however if your payment has not been received by the required date your place may be offered to the next person waiting to join. There are no refunds for classes missed. If you cannot attend a class you can visit another class the same week, subject to space. Missed classes cannot be carried over to future blocks or be applied against private lessons. Classes are not transferable to another person unless agreed in advance.
In the event that I have to cancel a class that you have booked, you will be able to carry the class forward a week.
Participation in both group and individual sessions is at the individual's own risk. Always listen to your body and exercise at a pace and level which is best for you. Stop if you feel discomfort and let me know if you feel unwell. It is your responsibility to ensure you are capable of carrying out the exercises provided.
If you arrive late for a session the session will not be extended and will end at the scheduled time.
ALL information you provide is held in strict confidence and information is never passed to third parties.
Clothing should be close fitting and unrestrictive rather than baggy so I can see how you are moving and offer feedback more easily. Bare feet or Pilates socks are fine for classes. Please remove dangly or sharp jewellery that may cause you an injury
Parking for Cabin Classes
Please take care when parking on the drive, ideally reverse parking for ease when leaving. All parking is at your own risk and I cannot be held liable for any damage caused to your vehicle while parked.
Parking is free of charge at all venues where I deliver classes.
These terms and conditions may be subject to change from time to time without notice.